Friday, June 17, 2016

Facebook Grunge (contains spoilers, NSFW)

Television game show hosts are running for President
and the money never can quite come as fast as it is spent
And soda-pop and corn chips gain tribes over their flavors
and she’ll do what she has to do, except change her behaviors
Gorillas and alligators and scorning arm-chair parents
with much to teach too far to reach when guilt is so inherent
Another guy goes on to try to shoot the gay kids down
blood, blood, blood, blud, blub, blub, blub a gurgle and a drown.
Eventually, you pay the Devil his due; you can’t escape
but if you swim like the Devil himself, dues are just six months for rape
Between suicide calls and bathroom stalls, so difficult to choose,
She asks in perfect innocence why do we have to move?
The server in the closet tips the vandals at the tables
surrounded by the bleeding hearts of the mentally disabled
And if he were so sick, you ask, where did he get a gun?
And if so many are so sick, I say, don’t you think that I need one?
Immigrants and walls and whores with dreams and aspirations
She’s not crazy anymore. She’s taking medications
I hold the princess on my lap and watch the whole world breaking
It’s hard to keep the glue on things when things just won’t stop shaking.
So the elders and the deacons and the lawyers on the bench
don’t have their say so they just pray to play, two-cents for common sense
And my phone is way too smart to let me talk to anyone
cause you pay twice for bad advice like bullets for my gun.
My gun is small and shoots too fast and often unexpected
but you’ll feel okay , you took your pills today, you know that you’re protected
from the faggots and the Muslims and the rednecks and the spics
And if you spray yourself with Deet, from mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks.

The chemicals in sunscreen though, like the stuff in vaccinations,
will kill you dead as plain white bread with gluten complications.
So smoke a joint, but just a joint, stop big tobacco’s lies
and worry not, you little snot, at the end, Othello dies.

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