Thursday, November 7, 2019

A cool rainy day

Today has been kind of a nice day. 

I woke up late. 
I made coffee. 
I did homework. 
I ate. 
I read. 
I thought. 
I wrote.

It was a nice day inside while it rained outside

The water fell.
The water formed droplets on the window.
The water droplets grew.
The water drops slid down the window.
The water formed a pool outside my window.
The water spashed to the ground.
The water crawled to the gutter.

Then I remembered.

I remember showering in the rain.
I remember the rain pouring over my body.
I remember the lather of the shampoo running over me.
I remember the soap-suds on the grass.
I remember the cool rainwater carressing my skin
I remember it making me cold.
I remember running into the apartment and putting on clothes.

I can still see the apartment.

I can still see black nights.
I can still see ciggarette ashes.
I can still see bottles of jack daniels.
I can still see shelves decorated with beer.
I can still see demons laughing
I can still see candles that don't give enough light.
I can still see darkness.

Then I see you.

I see you laughing through tears.
I see you bringing sunshine.
I see you playing your guitar.
I see you see you singing in the living room.
I see you singing as I fall asleep
I see sunshine.

I see sunshine, the rain is over

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